Research Presentations
Holly M. Fruehwald, Nadia O. Laschuk. “Chemistry outreach activity involving high-school students for Solar Water Splitting Research ” Oral Presentation, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE), August 2021.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Iraklii I. Ebralidze, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “Effect of transition metal on the oxygen reduction reaction catalyst based on a terpyridine M-N3 active sites on the surface (M=Fe, Co, Mn, Ni, Sn) ” Oral Presentation, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE), August 2021.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Nadia O. Laschuk, Jayme Stabler, Lidya Salim, Cassandra Johannessen, Charlene Fernandez, Amanda Orr. “Bringing EDI practices to Ontario Tech and Trent University through our Working for Inclusivity group ” Poster Presentation, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE), August 2021. Co-chair of the conference symposium.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Nadia O. Laschuk, Jayme Stabler, Lidya Salim, Cassandra Johannessen, Charlene Fernandez, Amanda Orr. “Bringing EDI practices to Ontario Tech and Trent University through our Working for Inclusivity group ” Poster Presentation, Leaders Overcoming Great Inequalities in the Chemical sciences (LOGIC), August 2021. Co-chair of the conference.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Iraklii I. Ebralidze, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “M-N3/C active sites prepared through terpyridine motifs (M=Fe, Co, Mn, Ni, Sn) for the oxygen reduction reaction ” Oral Presentation, Electrochemical Society of Canada (ECS) Fall Meeting, Oshawa, ON, December 2020.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Nadia O. Laschuk, Jayme Stabler, Lidya Salim, Kelly Wright, Renata O. Barichello, Amanda Orr. "Ontario Tech-Trent Women in Chemistry" Poster Presentation, Leaders Overcoming Gender Inequality in the Chemical Sciences, May 2020. Program coordinator of the conference.
Mitchell Tiessen, Holly M. Fruehwald, E. Bradley Easton, Theresa Stotesbury. "Characterization of bloodstain films using differential pulse voltammetry" Poster Presentation, Canadian Society of Forensics Science 2020 Conference, May 2020.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Reza B. Moghaddam, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “A Novel Water Oxidation Catalyst Made by the Facile Deposition of Ruthenium on Graphene Oxide” Poster Presentation, RSC Twitter Poster Competition, March 2020. 2nd place poster prize in the energy and sustainability division
Holly M. Fruehwald, Reza B. Moghaddam, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “Facile Deposition of Ruthenium salts on graphene oxide as a novel water oxidation catalyst” Poster Presentation, Electrochemical Society of Canada (ECS) Fall Meeting, Kingston, ON, December 2019.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Iraklii I. Ebralidze, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “N-aromatic Functionalized Carbons as a multi-functional electrode for Clean Electrochemical Energy Systems” Oral Presentation, The International University Exchange Symposium on Chemistry 2019, Kitakyushu, Japan, December 2019.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Iraklii I. Ebralidze, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “Iron-Terpyridine functionalized carbons as a multi-functional electrode for clean electrochemical energy systems" Oral Presentation, Inorganic Discussion Weekend, Oshawa, ON, November 2019. Co-Organizer of Conference.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Iraklii I. Ebralidze, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “A Model Fe-N3/C Active Site Prepared via Molecular-Level Control for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction through Iron-Terpyridine Motifs” Poster Presentation, 236th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA, October 2019. 1st place poster award.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Reza B. Moghaddam, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “A Novel Water Oxidation Catalyst Made by the Facile Deposition of Ruthenium on Graphene Oxide” Poster Presentation, 236th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA, October 2019.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Iraklii I. Ebralidze, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “Fe-N3/C active sites for the oxygen reduction reaction prepared via molecular-level control through covalent linkage of iron-terpyridine motifs” Oral Presentation, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE), Quebec City, QC, June 2019
Holly M. Fruehwald, Iraklii I. Ebralidze, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “Carbon Surfaces Functionalized with Iron-Terpyridine Motifs for Electrochemical Energy Systems”, Poster presentation, Electrochemical Society of Canada (ECS) Fall Meeting, Montreal, QC, November 2018.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Iraklii I. Ebralidze, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “Fe-N3/C Model Catalytic System for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction”, Oral presentation, UOIT-KIT Minisymposium, Oshawa, ON, September 2018.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Iraklii I. Ebralidze, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “A Moleculary Precise Fe-N3/C Model Active Site for Oxygen Reduction Reaction”, Poster presentation, International Conference on Electrochemical Energy Technology, Niagara Falls, ON, August 2018.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Iraklii I. Ebralidze, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “Moleculary Precise Carbon Surface for Modeling the Active Catalytic Sites for Oxygen Reduction Reaction: Fe-N3/C vs Fe-N2+2/C geometries”, Poster presentation, 1st place best poster, Electrochemical Society Canadian Section, Edmonton, AB, May 2018.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “Carbon Surfaces Functionalized with Nitrogen for Electrochemical Energy Systems” Poster presentation, People’s choice best poster, Graduate Student Conference, Oshawa, ON, May 2018.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “N-functionalized surfaces for electrochemical energy systems” Oral presentation, Physical-Organic Mini-symposium, Waterloo, ON, November, 2017.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “N-Aromatic functionalized carbon surfaces for electrochemical energy systems”, Oral presentation, UOIT-KIT Minisymposium, Oshawa, ON, September, 2017.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Jesse T.S. Allan, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “Covalent Attachment of Terpyridyl-Based Functional Groups to Carbon Surfaces: A Platform for Designing Multi-Functional Electrode Surfaces”, Poster presentation, 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, ON, June, 2017.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Jesse T.S. Allan, Olena V. Zenkina, E. Bradley Easton. “A Platform for Designing Multi-Functional Surfaces: Covalent Attachments Based on Terpyridine Functionality to Carbon Surfaces”, Poster presentation, Surface Canada 2017, Montreal, QC, May, 2017.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Foroughazam Afsahi, E. Bradley Easton. “Improving the Performance of Sulfonated Silica Ceramic Carbon Electrodes”, Poster presentation, Student Research Showcase, Oshawa, ON, August, 2016.
Holly M. Fruehwald, Olena V. Zenkina. “Design and Preparation of New Surface Confined Materials for Metal Ion Sensing”, Poster presentation, 44th Annual Southern Ontario Undergraduate Student Chemistry Conference, Peterborough, ON, May, 2016.